Am 10.11.2015 um 17:08 schrieb Graham King:
> ...  long snip ...
> I confess I'm a bit daunted by the LaTeX learning curve, and it is
> possible that I'm not uniquely inadequate in that respect.  So a
> Lilypond-only solution would be ideal for me, and would save others
> the prospect of learning yet-another-language.  

OK, on the long run I will want to have both, but actually it doesn't
matter where to start ...

> I'm brainstorming a bit here, but if, for example, ScholarLy could
> make its annotations available as a Scheme array for metadata and
> markup, the lilypond user could access that array in a \markup block
> after the end of the music.  Layout could then be left to the user,
> selecting just the desired elements of data.
> The array might look something like:
> (((author . "A.N.Other")
>   (bar . 2)
>   (beat . 1)
>   (text . "\markup { \note #"4" #1 } added")
>   ...)
> ((author . "F.Bloggs")
>   (bar . 5)
>   ...)
> ...))

I haven't looked in the code right now, but I'm pretty sure there *is*
such a Scheme tree structure at some point. The question is if that is
available at the moment we'd need it.
While parsing the input annotations are built and added to an array, and
when parsing is finished they are processed, i.e. sorted, (optionally)
filtered and exported. I'm not sure if a reasonable representation is
already available when regular markup is used and interpreted.

One thing should definitely be possible: Writing that structure out to a
temporary file and read that in at a later moment. Maybe this would
allow to use the data only in another bookpart? But that's something to
be discussed with those people who know more about the process of
collecting elements of a book.

With regard to layout I think at least a basic implementation should be
available with commands like

(to print out a full default report)

(to print a single remark)


We would then have to discuss whether it's better (or feasible) to make
that stuff configurable or if we should simply leave it to the end user
to take them as a model for her own solutions.


> I haven't looked in detail yet but, with luck, there will be a good
> correspondence between the lilyglyphs used in Latex and the notation
> elements available to \markup (Notation Reference, section 1.8.2)
> Maybe some default layout could be added later, for those dismayed
> equally by LaTeX and Scheme...
>> I think 2) and 4) are principally equally appropriate, but to choose
>> one out of them we'd need a better idea of the concrete project (but
>> I can't ask specific questions about that).
>> Both approaches would require additional development, either the
>> LaTeX code to handle the critical report or the same for LilyPond.
>> I assume that making LaTeX do what you want is the lower hanging
>> fruit. And if development of a proper (i.e. generic) LaTeX package
>> turns out to be complicated or takes too long it will always be
>> possible to create a project-specific solution without serious
>> problems. With the LilyPond-only approach I wouldn't make a guarantee
>> yet if it's really achievable, although I assume so.
>> On the other hand this will add a second tool and thus an additional
>> layer of complexity that may not be needed if you could achieve your
>> goal directly from within a LilyPond score.
>> Then again, getting familiar with LaTeX may be a good investment anyway.
>> Regarding some abstract "public interest" I'd say 2) and 4) are
>> similarly important and equally missing.
>> HTH
>> Urs
>>> [1] From the Snippets Repository:
>>> [2]
>>> [3] lilypond-user list, November 2015: "ScholarLy and polymetric
>>> music? (bar numbering, \RemoveEmptyStaffContext)"
>>> [4]
>>> [5]
>>> [6]

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