Thomas Morley wrote Tuesday, November 17, 2015 9:31 PM

> 2015-11-17 14:14 GMT+01:00 Pierre Perol-Schneider
> <>:
>> Well it is actually in the manual:
> This is more or less a listing of the relevant context-properties
> together with their doc-strings. I wouldn't call this a well done
> documentation.
> For a proper documentation, is it sufficient to add an LSR-snippet
> (tagged docs) or should we extend the NR?
> What do people think?

It would be impractical to extend the NR to include all the
context and grob properties.  There are simply too many.  Instead,
the approach we've adopted is show how to use just the ones that 
are commonly required, and to show how to find other properties by
searching for them in the IR.  As an intermediate solution, many
of the less common properties are demonstrated as untagged snippets
in the LSR, and I think that method would be appropriate in this case.

But the doc string that appears in the IR could be more explicit,
and I'd be happy to see a pointer to this IR page in an appropriate
place in the NR.

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