Hello Andrew,

You make me discover that I have to copy with a right click in the log window, instead of merely using the usual keyboard shortcut, thanks!

BTW, that could be an enhancement to Frescobaldi.


Le 18 nov. 2015 à 01:29, Andrew Bernard <andrew.bern...@gmail.com> a écrit :

Hi Jacques,

On my mac, I just select the text in the log, right click to copy, and paste wherever, as per any application. Does that not work for you?


On 18/11/2015, 01:36, "Menu Jacques" <lilypond-user-bounces+andrew.bernard=gmail....@gnu.org on behalf of imj-...@bluewin.ch> wrote:

By the way, I have to find out how to copy/paste from the log when using Frescobaldi (on Mac OS X).

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\version "2.19.30"

#(define (accidental2CommaFlat grob) 
   (grob-interpret-markup grob 
     (markup ;; Select Bravura font
            ; This doesn't seem to work (although I think it should)
            ; #:font-name "Bravura" 
             ;; set size of the glyph - 
             ; please experiment wtih appearance and problem of interference with staff lines
             #:fontsize 5
             ;; choose the glyph to be taken
             #:char #xE455))) 

\relative c'{
  % There has to be a key, otherwise nothing will be printed.
  \key g \major
  % Use Bravura, the SMuFL reference font (actually this should be done 
  % inside the stencil but I don't know how
  \override Staff.KeySignature.font-name = "Bravura"
  % Tell LilyPond to use something else than the default key signature
  \override Staff.KeySignature.stencil = #accidental2CommaFlat
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