Il giorno sab 14 nov 2015 alle 23:36, Simon Albrecht <> ha scritto:
It is a feature of Python (in which frescobaldi is written) that a program needn’t be compiled/installed to be run. You need to 1. get the source files for frescobaldi and python-ly from <>, either by downloading <> and <> or using ‘git clone’ and checking out the ‘manuscript-viewer’ branch. 2. add the following three lines to ~/.bashrc, where path/to/python-ly and path/to/frescobaldi are the paths to the respective directories:
# add python-ly to PYTHONPATH
alias frescobaldi='path/to/frescobaldi/frescobaldi'
3. and then you can just run 'frescobaldi' on the command line to test the feature.

Simon, this is probably the best configuration for the terminal.
But frescobaldi.desktop still needs to be adjusted this way:

Exec=sh -c 'frescobaldi'

Do you have better ideas?

I've added the wiki page:

Anybody is welcomed to improve it, especially Windows users.

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