David, you wrote Thursday, November 19, 2015 3:14 PM

>I have finally got to the stage of tidying up the score I have been
> working on.
> For the first movement of the score, I have Staff.instrumentName defined
> for each instrument, and this requires an indent of 16mm.  However, in
> subsequent movements I do not set Staff.instrumentName, so no indent is
> required.
> The variable 'indent' is defined in a \paper block, and I now see that
> the lowest level context that a \paper block can appear in is \bookpart.
> I could, of course, quite easily restructure the file so that each
> movement is contained in a separate \bookpart, but this would mean that
> each movement then starts on a new page.  This is not what I want: I
> prefer the movements to follow one another with no page break to
> emphasize the integrity of the whole work.
> Is there a way round this problem?  In other words, is there some way I
> can force the first system of the 2nd and subsequent movements to be
> printed with no indent, without each movement necessarily appearing on a
> new page?

indent can also be set in a \layout block, which is at \score level.

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