I was delighted to learn that Lilypond allows one to use custodes. I was
wondering how they really work, namely, how one can, upon a linebreak,
check what the next pitch is. I have limited Scheme experience. I first
tried the code for the first example from here:
and enclosed it (that is, the part inside "\score { } ") in "\displayMusic{
}" . But this, while enlightening in some respects, didn't really tell me
what's going on when the custos is to be displayed. So I downloaded the
source code, and after grepping found two files of interest: custos.cc and
custos-engraver.cc . In the latter I found an expression headed by

 Custos_engraver::acknowledge_note_head (Grob_info info)"

(line 83). Could anyone tell me if I'm on the right track? My problem is
that, while I'm willing to learn, I have a very limited experience with C++
and with any object programming whatsoever (having spent much time decades
ago with Turbo Pascal 5 :-)). I'd be very grateful for any pointers
regarding what happens during a linebreak (and, in general, how one should
learn such things).

Best regards,

Leszek Wronski.
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