On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 05:32:37PM -0700, Gilberto Agostinho wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would like to ask if anyone knows how to control the speed of the trills
> in the MIDI output when using articulate.ly. Currently, the articulate.ly
> simply converts a note with a trill into a bunch of 32nd notes, regardless
> of the tempo of the piece. This works very well for slow tempi (< 60 bpm),
> but sounds terrible when the tempo gets faster. E.g.:

I would like to know as well. Currently, I use a workaround by
separating the layout and midi scores, and use \tag to explicitly spell
out trills:

        music = {
                \tag #'layout { g1\startTrillSpan g1\stopTrillSpan }
                \tag #'midi {
                        \tuplet 21/16 {
                                \repeat unfold 10 { g16 a }
        \score {
                \layout {}
        \score {
                \midi {}

This is rather ugly, and prone to errors (e.g. you accidentally write
the wrong notes in the \tag #'midi section so what is played is not
what's printed in the score). But it does let you insert things in the
"midi score" that improves the midi rendering, without polluting the
printed score.


Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions. -- Dirk Eddelbuettel

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