Urs Liska wrote Friday, December 04, 2015 10:23 AM

> As discussed recently (starting here:
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-lilypond/2015-11/msg00054.html)
> LilyPond's optical spacing can have side-effects. If you consider the
> first attachment you can see that the quavers of the left hand are
> spaced irregularly because LilyPond moves the fourth note of each
> semiquaver group slightly to the left.
> As we have discussed optical spacing can be prevented with
>    \override SpacingSpanner.uniform-stretching = ##t
> as you can see in the second attachment.
> If I do this I sometimes have the situation that I need more space
> between the fourth and the fifth note, as you can see from the third
> attachment.
> It is possible to give the fourth note some extra space through
> NoteHead.extra-spacing-width, but this spoils the regular spacing of the
> quavers again (fourth attachment).
> What I would like to achieve is moving just the fourth note a little bit
> to the left, as if just this note were optically spaced.
> However, no combination of NoteHead.extra-spacing-width or
> NoteSpacing.same-direction-correction, applied to the fourth or third
> note, seems to have any effect.
> How could I achieve what I need?

Isn't the problem caused by the arpeggio?  In which case using something
      [ \once ] \override Arpeggio.minimum-X-extent =#'(-1 . 0)

might achieve what you are seeking, perhaps after fine-tuning the -1.

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