Hello Karol,

well, NR 1.2.4 discusses (in the paragraph starting with ‘In engraving from…’) this very topic, but only for ‘time signatures with 3 in the numerator’. I think this is much a matter of style, and thus I, as a notorious traditionalist, would prefer the 19th century version. But I agree that it should be configurable for duple meters also.

Yours, Simon

On 06.12.2015 01:29, Karol Majewski wrote:
By default, LilyPond's beaming of eight rest and three eight notes in 4/4 meter 

r8 c'8[ c'8 c'8]

E. Gould on p. 164 states that: Rhythmic figures that are not part of a 
repeated pattern may be best beamed into separate beats, so that they are not 
mistaken for triplets nor fot groups of three quavers in compound time:

4/4: c'8 r8 c'8 r8 r8 c'8 c'8[ c'8] rather than
4/4: c'8[ r8 c'8] r8 r8 c'8[ c'8 c'8]

Personally, I agree with her view and find that _this_ should be default LP 
behavior. So beaming in 4/4 should be like:

4/4: c'8[ c'8 c'8 c'8] r8 c'8 c'8[ c'8]

How can I force LilyPond to beam like this?

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