Hi Bernhard,

please post complete tiny examples here. Your first one is not complete
and the latter one is at least missing the content of \global.

This should bring you closer to what you want:

\version "2.19.21"
\language deutsch

soprano = \transpose f a {
   \key f \major
   \partial 4
  c'4| f'4. g'8 a'4 g' | f'2 e'4 \breathe f' |
  g' f'8 g' a'4 g' | f'2 r4 c'' \break
  c'4 a' b' c'' | d''2 b'4 \breathe b' |
  a' b' c'' b'8 a' |g'2. r4 \break
  c'2 g' | a' g'4 a' |
  c'' f'8 g' a'4 g' |f'2. \bar "|."

{ \soprano }

Some comments:

1) The notes look very much like you entered them with \language
deutsch. If so, it is advisable to tell that on the list

2) The notes have all their octave marks ('), so \relative leads to very
strange results. You can remove the ' again and add \relative before the
first {.

3) Why did you use h4'\rest for rests and not just r4? Your version
looks strange after transposition because it is then a d''4\rest and not
centered anymore.

4) I guessed your \global contains a \key f \major and \partial 4

5) Your main question: The \transpose f a should be outside of
\relative. You can even do \transpose f a \new ChoirStaff.

Hope that helps

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