2015-12-27 19:12 GMT+01:00 Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com>:
> 2015-12-27 18:18 GMT+01:00 Alex Jones <akjonesjeff...@gmail.com>:
>> I’m using the Script.priority-order to place an accidental above a trill 
>> ornament, but when combining with a note accent it creates an ordering 
>> property as per the documentation example.  However with the following 
>> snippet:
>> \version "2.18.0"
>> \relative c''' {
>> a2-> \trill
>> \once \override Script.script-priority = #-100
>> a2-> ^\trill^\markup { \sharp }
>> }
>> The first note places the accent adjacent to the note and the trill above 
>> (which is correct)
>> when adding the \sharp and getting it above the tr it swaps the accent and 
>> trill ornament creates this side-effect.
>> Is there a way to specify the order between the three expressive marks?
>> Thanks!!!
>> -akj
> \relative c''' {
> a2-> \trill
> a2-\tweak script-priority #99 ->
>   -\tweak script-priority #100 ^\trill
>   ^\markup { \sharp }
> }
> HTH,
>   Harm

\relative c''' {
  a2-> \trill

  a2-> -\tweak script-priority #101 ^\trill
    ^\markup { \sharp }

would have been enough.
Or use this generalized approach:

\version "2.19.32"

#(define (get-script-type grob)
"Get the type of a Script with the direction-indicator (if any),
outputs a string."
  (let* ((script-stencil (ly:grob-property grob 'script-stencil))
         (direction (ly:grob-property grob 'direction))
           (if (and (pair? script-stencil) (pair? (cdr script-stencil)))
               (if (>= 0 direction)
                   (cadr script-stencil)
                   (cddr script-stencil))
    ;(write-me "\n\tscript-type: " dir-script-type)

#(define script-names
;; Returns all script-types and their script-stencil-names as a list of strings
    (lambda (s)
      (let ((script-stencils (cdr (assoc-get 'script-stencil (cdr s)))))
      (cons (car s)
            (list (car script-stencils) (cdr script-stencils)))))

#(define ((set-script-property scripts property value) grob)
"Sets @code{property} to @var{value} for all script-types of @var{scripts}."
        (lambda (type)
          (if (not (member (symbol->string type) script-names))
              (ly:warning "~a is not a Script, ignoring" type))
          (if (or (eq? type (string->symbol (get-script-type grob)))
                  (eq? type
                       (string->symbol (string-drop (get-script-type grob) 1))))
              (ly:grob-set-property! grob property value)))

setScriptTypeProperty =
#(define-music-function (parser location types-property value)
  (symbol-list? scheme?)
  "Sets specified grob-property of @var{types-property} to @var{value} for
script-types of @var{types-property}"
  ;; TODO keep previous overrides of 'before-line-breaking
  (if (< (length types-property) 2)
      (ly:warning "script-type or property missing in ~a, skipping \n~a"
      \override Script.before-line-breaking =
           (drop-right types-property 1)
           (car (last-pair types-property))

\relative c''' {
  a2-> \trill

  \setScriptTypeProperty trill.script-priority #101
  a2-> ^\trill ^\markup { \sharp }


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