The following snippet contains three \score's, the third one commented out:

%%%   Begin snippet %%%
\version "2.19.32"

music =   {
    \tag #'noCues R1
    \tag #'Cues {\cueDuring #"cueNotes" #DOWN  R1 }    % 1
    d''8( e'' f'') r r2                                % 2

cueNotes = \relative c'' {
   s4. <g d'~>8 d' s4.    % 1

\addQuote "cueNotes" \cueNotes

\score { \new Staff {\cueNotes }  }

\score {  \new Staff { \removeWithTag#'Cues \music } }

%\score { \new Staff { \keepWithTag#'Cues \music }  }

%%%   End snippet %%%

This snippet compiles ok, but if the third \score is uncommented, then lilypond terminates with:

Preprocessing graphical objects...
Grob count 156
Interpreting music...Segmentation fault: 11

The problem appears to be the construct "<g d'~>8 d' " in the cueNotes. Does anyone know why?

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