Ah, didn't even think about using the invisible notes! This works perfectly for the piece (it's a little different than what I posted, but the rythm and note durations are the same). Thanks a lot!

eh, yes, I agree equal spacing wouldn't be correct in most cases. But I'm looking at a very specific case (maybe shows automated music engraving is very hard to achieved? props to the developers). However, I do think equal note duration in a measure should get equal spacing. But, there're two voice in the measure ... correct spacing in one means incorrect spacing for another. Maybe some compromise needs to be reach. The default Lilypond output group the 8th notes too close making the note look like 16th note relative to the other 8th notes.

Thanks for the answer, it's greatly appreciated!

From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Michael Lakes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Spacing Problem
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 10:34:05 +0200

New attempt to answer the original question!

I played a bit with your example. If you really want all the 8th notes
spaced as if there was a regular set of 16th notes in another voice,
you can easily fake that using an invisible voice with all 16th notes,
as shown in the second bar of my example below.

However, I'm still convinced that it's not good typesetting practice to
typeset all eighth notes of a bar (or even of a single beam) with
equal spacing. Consider for example the more extreme case in the third
bar of my example. Do you really prefer the equal spacing that I have
faked in the fourth bar?

If you really want to claim that the layout is "incorrect", you should
read http://lilypond.org/web/about/automated-engraving/ and then go
to your collection of music and really check how it's done in well
typeset scores.

\version "2.2.2"

\score {
  \notes\relative c'''{
      <<{a8 a a a a a a a}\\
        {a,16 a a a a a a a a8 a16 a a a a a}>>
      <<{a'8 a a a a a a a}\\
        {a,16 a a a a a a a a8 a16 a a a a a}\\
        {\hideNotes \repeat unfold 16 d16} >>\break
      <<{a'8 a a a a a a a}\\
        {a,8[ a32 gis a b ] \repeat unfold 12 a16}>>
      <<{a'8 a a a a a a a}\\
        {a,8[ a32 gis a b ] \repeat unfold 12 a16}\\
        {\hideNotes\repeat unfold 16 d32}>>


Michael Lakes wrote:
Hello again,

There seems to be incorrect spacing for the code below. The 8th notes in the middle of the measures don't have the same spacing as other 8th notes.

Is there any way to correct this? I tried some of the spacing parameters but didn't seem to do work ... Oh, is it possible to make the spacing of the notes fixed (like 8th notes always get 1cm, 16th notes get .5cm)?

\version "2.2.2"

\score {
\notes {
\relative c'''{<<{a8 a a a a a a a}\\{a,16 a a a a a a a a8 a16 a a a a a}>>}
\relative c'''{<<{a8 a a a a a a a}\\{a,16 a a a a a a a a8 a16 a a a a a}>>}
\relative c'''{<<{a8 a a a a a a a}\\{a,16 a a a a a a a a8 a16 a a a a a}>>}


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-- ============================================= Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe =============================================

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