2016-01-07 0:53 GMT+01:00 Chris Yate <chrisy...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I'm wondering whether anyone can shed some light on the attached image.
> LH of the piano here is:
> {
>  bf,16 (ef g8) r8
>   c,16 g' c, g' bf, g'
>   \clef bass
> }
> I have a suspicion this may have something to do with the Timing / beat
> moment and beat structure, but it's inconclusive. This section of the music
> has:
>   \set Timing.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/16)
>   \set Timing.beatStructure = #'( 6 6 )
> There are no barline errors, but I'm seeing this in the output quite a
> lot:
> programming error: mis-predicted force, 108.120472 ~= 101.465263
> continuing, cross fingers
> programming error: mis-predicted force, 108.120472 ~= 105.654382
> continuing, cross fingers
> programming error: mis-predicted force, 108.120472 ~= 101.465263
> continuing, cross fingers
> Previously I was getting a similar issue where I had bars of 6 quavers,
> which were grouped in 3's -- and the middle of the second group was getting
> a spurious semiquaver beam. I seem to fixed it, though I'm not sure what
> the cause was.
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris
> [image: Inline images 1]

Without tiny example everyone can guess only.
Btw, your images are inline _not_ attached.

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