
i'm working on an essay in which i would like to include small motives directly in a sentence of the text without starting a new line and centering the musical fragment. is there a way to do this using lilypond?

i can do this using an eps or other image file, by including the "\usepackage{graphicx}" and placing "\includegraphics" right in the line of text with no "\begin{figure}" and "\end{figure}". the sentences flow right on and the little motive gets included in the sentence like a word.

The examples in the lilypond documentation on lilypond-book using "\begin{lilypond}" work well, but always force a new line (and center?) making it like a full-fledged example. is there a way to do it without starting the new line?

btw: when using the "short version" of syntax from the lilypond-book documentation ("\lilypond[staffsize=11]{<c' e' g'>}"), i get an error when running latex, saying that "\lilypond" is an undefinded control sequence.

this is all happening with mac os 10.3.5, using lilypond 2.3.16. i'm also using TeXShop v1.35 to edit the latex and command line to run lilypond-book.

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