Two more remarks:

On 12.01.2016 22:12, Ryan Michael wrote:
I do the following:

\tuplet 3/2{
r8-\markup{\italic "gesprochen"} d'8 dis8}
\tuplet 3/2{ r16 cis cis a r16 cis} \tuplet 3/2{ cis a r16 a cis8\glissando}
  \once \hide NoteHead (g4\glissando

cis,2 ) r4 r8 dis'-\markup{\italic "gliss"}

Please always post complete, compilable examples (with a \version statement). It helps a lot in helping you. Such an example would have looked like:

\version "2.18.2"

\relative {
  \tuplet 3/2 { r8-\markup \italic "gesprochen" d'8 dis8 }
  \tuplet 3/2 { r16 cis cis a r16 cis }
  \tuplet 3/2 { cis a r16 a cis8\glissando }
  \once \hide NoteHead g4(\glissando

  cis,2) r4 r8 dis'-\markup \italic "gliss"

Note also the altered code formatting (spaces around braces, and regular line breaks) – it eases reading and working with code.

Best, Simon

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