Am 13.01.2016 um 18:09 schrieb Urs Liska:
> Hi all,
> one more beaming question,
> given the following input
> \relative a' {
>   \time 6/8
>   \set strictBeatBeaming = ##t
>   a8.. a32 a16 a
> }
> which of the attached engravings do you prefer, LilyPond's current or
> the modified?
> Would it make sense to add a beaming option (e.g.
> "strictBeatBeamingNonFlagSide") so the user can choose?

Note that I think this is actually the difference between subdivideBeams
being ##t or ##f.
Currently LilyPond produces the second rendering from my previous post,
regardless of subdivisions or not.

So I'd say *with* strictBeatBeaming *and* subdivided beams the non-flag
side should have its stems governed by the rhythmic position of the
subdivision while with strictBeatBeaming and *no* subdivisions it should
have the beam number of the following stem.



> Best
> Urs
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