Am 15.01.2016 um 20:49 schrieb Mark Stephen Mrotek:
> r4 q2 | r4 <f~ aes~ ces~>2 | q2. |
> r4 <f'~ aes~ ces~>2 | r4 <f~ aes~ ces~>2 |     % this line highlighted.
> <f~ aes~ ces>2. ( | <f aes bes>) |

Please give a complete example; I see two possible reasons (maybe there
are more) but can’t tell more from this incomplete code.

1. You are in absolute mode (instead of relative) => two different notes
f' and f cannot be tied.
2. You didn’t set tieWaitForNote to ##t => ties cannot cross rests by

Btw, you can tie chords with just one single tilde:

<f aes ces>~ <f aes bes>

This will tie the fs and aess but not the ces and bes.

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