What about a markup block?

\markup {
  \column {
    \line { \null }
    \line { 2. Be Thou my wisdom and Thou my true word }
    \line { \hspace #2 I ever with Thee, Thou with me, Lord }
    \line { \hspace #2 Thou my great Father and I Thy true sonÍž }
    \line { \hspace #2 Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one. }
    \line { \null }
    \line { 3. Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise }
    \line { \hspace #2 Thou mine inheritance now and always }
    \line { \hspace #2 Thou and Thou only, first in my heart }
    \line { \hspace #2 High King of heaven, my treasure Thou art. }
    \line { \null }
    \line { 4. High King of heaven, thy victory one, }
    \line { \hspace #2 May I reach heaven's joys, O bright heaven's Sun! }
    \line { \hspace #2 Heart of my own heart, whatever befall, }
    \line { \hspace #2 Still be my vision O Ruler of all. }

Knute Snortum
(via Gmail)

On Sat, Jan 16, 2016 at 6:26 AM, dumbledad <tim_rega...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Is there a way in LilyPond to simply list the lyrics corresponding to
> additional verses after the end of the music, with one paragraph per verse?
> N.B. This exact question has been asked before
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-gnu-music/2001-03/msg00089.html
> in 2001, but the first answer ("read this book") references a dead URL,
> while
> the second (use `\context Lyrics`) does not work for me, I get LilyPond
> syntax errors.
> Here's the song under which I want to write the additional verses.
> \header{
>   title = "JOHN BALL"
>   instrument = "(for unaccompanied voice)"
>   composer = "Sydney Carter"
>   copyright = "From \"In the Present Tense (Songs of Sydney Carter Book
> 5)\",
>         Stainer and Bell 1982, ISBN 9780852495001"
>   tagline = ""
> }
> \score {
>   \relative {
>     \time 2/4
>     \clef treble
>     \tempo 4=180
>     \key a \major
>     cis'' a8 fis |  e4. cis8 |  d e gis fis |  e2 |
>     fis4 fis8 fis | fis4 gis8 a | b a gis a | b cis d b |
>     cis4 a8 fis |  e4. cis8 |  d e gis fis |  e4 a8 gis |
>     fis4 fis8 fis | d' cis b a | gis2 | a \bar "||"
>     b4 b |  b4. cis8 |  b a gis fis |  e2 | b'4 b8 cis |  d( cis ) b a |
>     cis2 | b4 e8 d | cis4 a8 fis | e4 cis | d8 e gis fis | e4 a8 gis |
>     fis4 fis8 fis | d' cis b a | gis2 | a \bar "|."
>   }
>   \addlyrics {
>     Who'll be the | la -- dy, | Who will be the | lord, | When we are |
>     ruled by the | love of one an -- | o -- ther? Tell me, | Wholl be the |
>     la -- dy, | Who will be the | lord, In the | light that is |
>     com -- ing in the | morn -- | ing. |
>     Sing, John | Ball, And | tell it to them | all: | Long live the |
>     day that is | dawn -- | ing! And I'll | crow like a | cock, I'll |
>     car -- ol like a | lark, For the | light that is | com -- ing In the |
>     morn -- | ing.
>   }
>   \layout { }
>   \midi { }
> }
> \version "2.18.2"
> I'd like to add verses 2, 3, and 4 underneath, separated from the music
> just
> as words, as they are here: http://imgur.com/pv7icqd
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