On Sun 14 Feb 2016 at 20:21:57 (+0100), Robert Blackstone wrote:
> On 14 Feb 2016, at 13:18 , Phil Holmes <m...@philholmes.net> wrote:
> > Your way of laying this out is rather unusual,
> A beginner's messy product but I was glad it worked (except for the third 
> arrow). But I see that your suggested manner ...
> > Instead of all those hidden notes, I'd suggest using spacer rests (s4 for a 
> > crochet spacer).  Don't use stemUp or stemDown here - stick with voiceOne 
> > and voiceTwo.  If you use \omit \Stem rather than hide, the arrow won't 
> > have to avoid the hidden stem and will be placed as you wish.
> > 
> > I would also get rid of all those separate voices, and put all my voiceOne 
> > music in one variable and all my voiceTwo in another: much easier to read
> ... is in all respects far more elegant and it produces what I need.
> Thanks for the lesson.

... which one can illustrate with three diagrams:
yours.png        the mysterious misalignment
unhidden.png     the backstage antics showing the collision
why.png          why the other arrows didn't collide:
                     _their_ near neighbours weren't shrunk, so the
                     stems were further to the right.

I hadn't a clue what your source was doing until I expanded it
vertically. In the source to why.png, any line which has %% on it
has been deleted or modified. (I also inserted a \time 4/4)

\version "2.18.2"
\relative c'
  \new Staff
    \omit Staff.TimeSignature
    \clef "soprano"
	\stemUp a'4
	%% \once \hideNotes
	%% \once \hideNotes
	a g
      \bar "||"
      \new Voice
	\voiceTwo \stemDown
	f4 \set fontSize = #-4
	%% \single \hide Stem
	%% \single \hide Stem
	d2*1/2 %%
	^\markup {
	  \combine \arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##f \draw-line #'( 0 . 2)
	\unset fontSize
	c4 %%
	\time 5/4
	\stemUp c'
	%% \once \hideNotes
	%% \once \hideNotes
	%% \once \hideNotes
	c d
      \bar "||"
      \new Voice
	\voiceTwo \stemDown c, \set fontSize = #-4
	%% \single  \hide Stem
	%% \single \hide Stem
	%% \single \hide Stem
	f2*1/2 %%
	^\markup {
	  \combine \arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##f \draw-line #'( 0 . 2)
	\unset fontSize  g4 |
	\time 4/4 %%
	\stemUp c
	%% \set fontSize = #-4
	%% \single \hide Stem
%^\markup { \combine \arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##f \draw-line #'( 0 . 2) }
	%% \single \hide Stem
	a \unset fontSize  g } \bar "||"
      \new Voice
	\voiceTwo \stemDown
	  e4 \set fontSize = #-4
	  %% \once \hideNotes
	  d2*1/2 %%
	  ^\markup {
	    \combine \arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##f \draw-line #'( 0 . 2)
	  %% \once \hideNotes
	  d4 %%
	  \unset fontSize c
    \bar "||"
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