Thank you for the link. With the definition of "repeatGliss" indeed a glissando without starting note is possible!

repeatGliss = #(define-music-function (grace)



% the next two lines ensure the glissando is long enough

% to be visible

\once \override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods

\once \override Glissando.minimum-length = #4.5

\once \hideNotes

\grace $grace \glissando


\score {

\relative c'' {

{ r4 \repeatGliss d g2 e4 }

{ r4 \repeatGliss f e2 d4 }



With the "virtual" (unvisible) start note it is possible to control the angle of the glissando line. Nice!
Thank you.

On 18.02.2016 17:22, Federico Bruni wrote:
Have you tried to adapt the snippet in the documentation?

Search the repeatGliss function

Il 2016-02-16 13:09 BB ha scritto:
With stringed instruments a playing technique (mainly in Rock, Pop,
Blues, Jazz) to get some acoustic effect is to slide up a string to a
defined fret without a real starting fret. I tried a noatation:

% 1st trial



\glissando e'''2 |


% glissando does not work

For optical reasons I tried to make the rest to a starting point of
the glissando - does not work?

% 2nd trial



\once \hide NoteHead

\once \hide Stem

\grace g'

\glissando e'''2 |


% \grace to avoid bar time length problem !

 That works but it is optical not stisfacting, I would say it is ugly.

% 3rd trial



\once \hide NoteHead

\once \hide Stem

< r4 \grace g'>

\glissando e'''2


 That would come close to my intention, but does not work either.

 Is there any nice solution?

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