
I wrote a piece for piano that I want to notate with LilyPond. The piece has some difficult aspects regarding which I need some advice or just confirmation that my strategy is sound (or not).

The piece is long, 848 measures of varying textures, styles, tempi, and time signatures, with a playing time of about 34 minutes. I plan to cut the file into manageable sections and hand-enter the notation in LP code. There are unplayable parts that I'll assign to a recorded part, though I also want to notate them.

I haven't had a lot of luck with midi2ly, though I'm sure I need to learn how to fine-tune its output. Odd groups (7:4, 5:3, 11:4, etc) occur frequently, and I'm not sure how to specify their correct conversion with midi2ly. Also, the original sequence has both hands on a single track. Is there any handy way to indicate a split point for switching staves, i.e. a way to recognize right and left hand passages ? (I think I might be asking for an impossibility, would love to learn otherwise).

I can hand-enter it to manuscript, no trouble, but I need a digital publication-ready score. I figure the work will take many months, hence my desire to find the most efficient working method, any useful advice will be hugely appreciated.

Btw, I'll likely use Frescobaldi as front-end for LP.

The piece is here is anyone wants to check it out, but please understand I'm not advertising my music on this list. This recording sucks anyway sound-wise, I hadn't purchased Pianoteq then. I also plan to re-record the piece with that software.

Thanks in advance for any advice and/or suggestions for an improved working method.

Best regards,

Dave Phillips

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