
Just documenting an oddity.

If you remove the key (on line 11) the piano fingerings get crushed into
the beams.

Rather strangeā€¦

Should I file a bug report ?

Have a good day
Pierre-Luc Gauthier
\version "2.18.2"
\language "english"

global = {
  % Try and remove the key bellow.
  \key c \major
  % If the key is not there, the fingerings get crushed up
  \time 6/4

right = \relative c' {
      c8 cs d ds e f fs g gs a as b
      c cs d ds e f fs g gs a as b
      c8 b bf a af g gf f e ef d df
      c b bf a af g gf f e ef d df
      \repeat unfold 2 {
        \repeat unfold 2 {s-3 s-1} s-2
        \repeat unfold 3 {s-3 s-1} s-2

      s1 s4.

      \repeat unfold 2 {
        \repeat unfold 3 {s-1 s-3} s-2
        \repeat unfold 2 {s-1 s-3} s-2

left = \relative c, {
      c8 cs d ds e f fs g gs a as b
      c cs d ds e f fs g gs a as b
      c8 b bf a af g gf f e ef d df
      c b bf a af g gf f e ef d df
      \repeat unfold 2 {
        \repeat unfold 2 {s8-1 s-3} s-2
        \repeat unfold 3 {s-1 s-3} s-2
      } s1.-1

      \repeat unfold 2 { s-2
                         \repeat unfold 3 {s-3 s-1} s-2
                         \repeat unfold 2 {s-3 s-1}

scoreContent = {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff \right
    \new Staff { \clef bass \left }

\score {
  \layout { }
  \midi { }
\version "2.18.2"
\language "english"

global = {
  % Try and remove the key bellow.
  \key c \major
  % If the key is not there, the fingerings get crushed up
  \time 6/4

right = \relative c' {
      c8 cs d ds e f fs g gs a as b
      c cs d ds e f fs g gs a as b
      c8 b bf a af g gf f e ef d df
      c b bf a af g gf f e ef d df
      \repeat unfold 2 {
        \repeat unfold 2 {s-3 s-1} s-2
        \repeat unfold 3 {s-3 s-1} s-2

      s1 s4.

      \repeat unfold 2 {
        \repeat unfold 3 {s-1 s-3} s-2
        \repeat unfold 2 {s-1 s-3} s-2

left = \relative c, {
      c8 cs d ds e f fs g gs a as b
      c cs d ds e f fs g gs a as b
      c8 b bf a af g gf f e ef d df
      c b bf a af g gf f e ef d df
      \repeat unfold 2 {
        \repeat unfold 2 {s8-1 s-3} s-2
        \repeat unfold 3 {s-1 s-3} s-2
      } s1.-1

      \repeat unfold 2 { s-2
                         \repeat unfold 3 {s-3 s-1} s-2
                         \repeat unfold 2 {s-3 s-1}

scoreContent = {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff \right
    \new Staff { \clef bass \left }

\score {
  \layout { }
  \midi { }
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