Kieren MacMillan wrote:

> Hope that helps!
> Kieren.

Thank you Kieren.
Does this also work in version version "2.18.2"?

Where do i place the " \new Devnull s1" in this score?:

\score {
  \new  Staff \with {
    midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
  } { \clef "treble_8" << \classicalGuitarVoiceOne 
                          \\ \classicalGuitarVoiceTwo 
                          \\ \classicalGuitarVoiceThree 
                          \\ \classicalGuitarVoiceFour >> 

If i add this one before the \clef than space is added between the key and the 
time and it also does not change the space above 
the title.

Kind Regards,


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