Hi list,

I'm playing with LSR snippet 744 and wish to make a small amendment to
its functionality. While trying to understand what it does I think it
is not working as it should.

Here is the link: http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=744

Most importantly I think the words 'lil le' and 'fis ker' should be 
displayed without a separating space after the hyphen had been removed.

If I understand the snippet correctly this should be handled inside the
function reduce-hyphen.
#(define (reduce-hyphens text) 
         (let eat ((wd (car text)) (wds (cdr text)))
                   ((null? wds) (list wd))
                   ((and (equal? "--" (car wds)) (not (null? (cdr wds))))
                    (eat (markup #:concat (wd (cadr wds)))
                         (cddr wds)))
                   (else (cons (markup wd) (eat (car wds) (cdr wds)))))))

If I understand this correctly the #::concat should concatenate the
two syllables while removing the hyphen.

I then defined an optional hyphenreplacechar like so:
#(define hyphenreplacechar "-")

and changed the concatenation like so:
      (eat (markup #:concat (wd hyphenreplacechar (cadr wds)))
           (cddr wds)))
but that did not change anything visible.

At this point I'm stuck and need the deeper understanding of someone
more knowledgeable w/r to music functions.

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau       email: m...@qata.de
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