The original photo of the [single] lilypad is by Krista Scott-Dixon
( Taken at the Van Dusen Botanical Garden situated in
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Somebody made a double lilypad from the photo. Later, saturation and
contrast  were improved by another person. John Mandereau provided a
music snippet for the background. Then I pasted the flower on the
music. So my share of the rights on the logo needs three decimals
after the comma to be properly measured.
I am positive nobody is going to sue you for its use, and it is good
for eye-catching on any lilypond-related material, yet my advice is
that you modify or customize it in some or another way (colors,
background etc) so that its official use by us is unmistakenly related
to us, and otherwise related, unofficial material uses another version
of the logo to avoid confussion.

2016-03-20 22:05 GMT+01:00 Barrios Blue <>:
> It's not my intention to confuse or even offend anyone by using the Logo on 
> my tiny tutorial site. Although I make it pretty clear right at the beginning 
> that it has nothing to do with  the offical docs, people may skip this. I 
> probably should go looking for another eye-catcher.
> cheers Marco
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