Am 22.03.2016 um 14:03 schrieb Alexis Maleval:
I would like to know how to prevent a winged repeat bar line to be split when it
has to cover 2 staves.

Probably this isn’t possible yet; a BarLine is put together from the bar lines of every single staff plus the SpanBars between the staves. So I think one would need the following things:

1. Not only thick bar line with and without wings but also thick bar lines with only one wing (top or bottom).
2. A possibility to find out which of these is needed for each staff.
3. Compatibility with \defineBarLine.

Here some code which doesn’t solve your problem but shows 1. the use of \defineBarLine and 2. shows the difference between BarLines and SpanBars (colors).


\version "2.19.38"

\defineBarLine "[|:" #'("|" "[|:" ".|")
\defineBarLine ":|]" #'(":|]" "" " |.")
\defineBarLine ":|][|:" #'(":|]" "[|:" " |..|")

\layout {
  \context {
    startRepeatType = #"[|:"
    endRepeatType = #":|]"
    doubleRepeatType = #":|][|:"
    \override SpanBar.color = #blue
    \override BarLine.color = #red

\new StaffGroup <<
  \new Staff \relative {
    c'1 \repeat volta 2 c \repeat volta 2 c c
  \new Staff \relative {
    c'1 \repeat volta 2 c \repeat volta 2 c c

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