2016-03-22 15:10 GMT+01:00 Jan-Peter Voigt <jp.vo...@gmx.de>:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem spacing grace notes under a series of triplets. In the
> example, the grace notes produce a big gap between the tuplets or collide
> with the accidentals.
> As this situation is evident a few times, I will probably use extra-offset
> and place either the grace notes or the accidentals aside. So my question
> is, how would you typesetters solve this case?
> Jan-Peter

Hi Jan-Peter,

some thoughts on a minimal example...

\version "2.18.2"

%% for comparability
%% without any override:
{ \grace { c''16 s4 }  bis'8 }

myLayout = \layout { \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##t }

%% collision
\score { { \grace { c''16 }  bis'8 } \myLayout }

%% returns:
%% programming error: Cannot determine neighbors for floating column.
%% this was my first thought, no idea what's wrong, never seen this error before
\score { { \grace { c''16 s4 }  bis'8 } \myLayout }

%% not sure why this works
%% textLengthOn is _not_ set
\score { { \grace { c''16-\markup \hspace #3 }  bis'8 } \myLayout }

%% inserting a Rest works
%% r8 is too much r16 to less
%% thus scaling to avoid the dot
\score { { \grace { c''16 \once \omit Rest r16*3/2 }  bis'8 } \myLayout }

HTH a bit,

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