On Wed, 2016-03-23 at 11:47 +0100, Xavier Scheuer wrote:

> I use Graham (Percival)'s "make-dynamic-extra", which has two main
> advantages :
> 1. The dynamic only, and not the whole "dynamic + text", is centered
> on the note (i.e. like a "normal" dynamic).
> 2. The dynamic is affecting the MIDI.
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2011-06/msg00335.html
> IIRC it did not have any drawbacks, but I haven't tried it recently
> (maybe new versions of LilyPond brought some internal changes
> unsuitable to "make-dynamic-extra").

Thanks Xavier,
the code seems to work with 2.19.35, but it has no effect on the
original problem.  Nevertheless it is good to know of its existence.  
There are so many approaches to creating dynamics with text, and so much
skill and inventiveness has been applied to them over the years, that it
seems a pity that none has been internalised by lilypond.  

kind regards
-- Graham
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