\version "2.19.15"


Thanks to everyone who suggested looking at LSR-753 for the "Jazz style"
multi-measure rest.
That is substantially what I want.

In attempts to add parenthesis in the staff around the number within the
staff, I ran into several problems.

I first tried adding parenthesis as text to the multi-measure rest, as
described in
since it claims to center text.  Which it does:


#(define (white-under grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob
  (markup #:vcenter #:whiteout #:pad-x 1 (ly:grob-property grob 'text))))

setInlineMMRN = {
\set Score.skipBars = ##t
\override Score.MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = 1
\override Score.MultiMeasureRest.minimum-length = #30

inlineMMRN = {
\once \override MultiMeasureRest.layer = #-2
\once \override MultiMeasureRestNumber.layer = #-1
\once \override MultiMeasureRestNumber.Y-offset = #0
\once \override MultiMeasureRestNumber.stencil = #white-under

timeParens = \markup { \huge "(" \magnify #1.4 " " \huge ")" }

\inlineMMRN R1*4^\markup { \timeParens }


But I could not get it to move down onto the staff.  As described in
"Vertical alignment is a bit more complex. As stated above, markup objects
can be moved as a whole;
however, it is also possible to move specific elements inside a markup

It took me a while to realize this meant that the techniques using
raise, lower, translate, general-align and translate-scaled
will NOT affect the "markup object moved as a whole",
but rather affect the relative position of objects within the markup

I also learned that these techniques, in addition to never placing text on
the staff,
will not place text to the left of the anchor point.

Perhaps this section should include a comment to the effect of:

"The commands raise, lower, translate, general-align and translate-scaled
used within a markup block are limited to printing text
outside the staff and to the right of the anchor point."

%  An example of a failed attempt to translate text within a markup block

%  The translated object will not move to the left, even if it does not
collide with anything:
d'1^\markup {
Acte I
\translate #'(-30 . 4) "Scène 1"
1 1

%  It seems the translated object is positioned relative to the first text
%  and the entire markup is positioned above the staff.
%  Here, the lowered second object has the effect of pushing the first
object higher up.
1^\markup {
Acte I
\translate #'(0 . -4) "Scène 1"
1 1
d'1^\markup {
Acte I
\translate #'(0 . 4) "Scène 1"

%  The documentation for moving objects suggests using extra-offset.
%  http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/learning/moving-objects
%  Likewise, this does not work on the multi-measure rest.

\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -3.7)

%  What did allow me to place text in the staff was attaching it to an
empty chord.

wideTimeParens = \markup { \magnify #11.5 " " \huge "(" \magnify #1.4 " "
\huge ")" }

inlineMMRN = {
\once \override MultiMeasureRest.layer = #-2
\once \override MultiMeasureRestNumber.layer = #-1
\once \override MultiMeasureRestNumber.Y-offset = #0
\once \override MultiMeasureRestNumber.stencil = #white-under
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -3.7)


%  But then I lost the auto-centered-ness of attaching it to the
multi-measure rest.


%  So I can tweak these into submission.

inlineMMRN = {
\once \override MultiMeasureRest.layer = #-2
\once \override MultiMeasureRestNumber.layer = #-1
\once \override MultiMeasureRestNumber.Y-offset = #0
\once \override MultiMeasureRestNumber.stencil = #white-under
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -3.7)

<>^\markup { \magnify #10.4 " " \huge "(" \magnify #4 " " \huge ")" }
<>^\markup { \magnify #13.1 " " \huge "(" \magnify #1.9 " " \huge ")" }
<>^\markup { \magnify #12 " " \huge "(" \magnify #3.9 " " \huge ")" }


Finally, here is the real point of my post:

It would be nice to have a function that could take these arguments:
duration, number of measures, X-tweak, Y-tweak.

I've done music functions before music and text, but not with numbers.
My template for a music function that takes numbers comes from

padText = #(define-music-function
     (parser location padding)
     \once \override TextScript.padding = #padding

\relative c'' {
  c4^"piu mosso" b a b
  \padText #1.8
  c4^"piu mosso" b a b
  \padText #2.6
  c4^"piu mosso" b a b

So, here is my attempt.
Does anyone have any hints for how to get such a function to work?

It especially doesn't like the expressions ##xTweak, ##yTweak and
but I don't understand how this syntax works.


playTime = #(define-music-function
     (parser location measureLength howManyMeasures xTweak yTweak)
     (ly:duration? number? number? number?)
        <>^\markup { \magnify ##xTweak " " \huge "(" \magnify ##yTweak " "
\huge ")" }

\playTime 1 #44 #10.4 #4
\playTime 1  #8 #13.1 #1.9
\playTime 1 #12 #12.0 #3.9

%  Thanks for any advice!

David Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
highly underrated*"
skype: flaming_hakama
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist
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