bill wolf <> writes:

> Good Lilyponders,
> The code below achieves my goals. I'm wondering if it could be done more
> simply.
> \version "2.18.2"
> \relative c'' {
> \new Staff <<
> \new Voice { \voiceOne c8 e~ \once \hideNotes \once \override 
> NoteColumn.force-hshift = #-1.2 e4 g8 d'~ \once \hideNotes d4 }
> \new Voice { \voiceTwo c,4~ <c e g>8 \override TieColumn.tie-configuration =
> #'((2.0 . -1) (5.0 . 1)) e~ <e g>4~ <e g d'> }
> }

That's not particularly readable because of HTML just wrapping text, and
you do not even include a text version.  Please try to send plain text
mails rather than HTML: that's more appropriate for source code.

You also fail to mention what your goals are.

> The only more specific thing I can add is that I almost always prefers
> ties in the middle of triads to go up.

So what exactly is the problem and what exactly are your goals?

David Kastrup

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