2016-04-15 11:06 GMT+02:00 Gianmaria Lari <gianmarial...@gmail.com>:
> I writing some accordion scores and for this reason I'm trying to create the
> lilypond tools that will make the task more easy.
> I started writing the following vaiables:
> cC = {c4}
> cc = \chordmode {c4}
> ccC = { \new Voice << {\cC}  {\cc}>>}    %first solution
> (In the attached image you can see an output example)
> I know I could define ccC in this other way....
> ccC = {<c c' e' g'>4}     % second solution
> but:
> (1) if possible I would like to build the tools creating small 'object' and
> assembling them (in this case I create cC and cc and I assembled them in
> ccC)
> (2) I need to use Thomas Morley "event-chord-reduce" on the score. This work
> well with my first solution because it reduces the chord but it does not
> work with the second solution because it is not a chord
> I would like to know if I'm going in the right direction or there is a
> better way.
> Thank you, g.
> P.S.
> - Sorry for the terrible variables name, these are temporary.
> - In the 'real' code cc is defined in a bit more complicated way:
> cc = \chordmode { c4 _\tweak #'direction #UP _\markup {M}}
> but for the previous example I simplify it because it was not relevant.

Hi Gianmaria,

I've no idea what you're trying to do, please give us a better idea about it.
Maybe rewording your request woud help, and please post code matching the image.


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