On 22/04/2016 14:31, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Wol: Scan through the thread starting 
at<http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2013-10/msg00517.html>  and 
see if anything there helps.

Good luck,
Just scanned it - unfortunately I'm using \markup on an s, rather than \mark, for my tune name (because I've already got two colliding marks, rehearsal and tempo), so that thread saying "compress MMRs when they don't contain blah blah" will fail because I've got a markup in there :-(

If I had some mark I could stick the tune name in that wouldn't collide with and be suppressed by the rehearsal mark, then maybe it would work. But without writing some new kind of mark (is there one already available? it might have been added at some point?) I don't know what else to do - using markup seemed the best option. And I don't fancy trying to write a new mark, I've dug into this on a couple of occasions and got out of my depth rather quickly.

Losing an MMR isn't really a problem, it just looks a little bit odd :-( and I come across plenty of music that (imho) has weird MMR settings anyway. Usually because they've compressed the end of one phrase into the start of another - I really don't like it when a single MMR spans several incomplete musical phrases.

Oh well. I'll carry on fiddling :-) But it is frustrating when all I want to do is move a bit of text a smidgeon to one side, and I just can NOT work out how to do it without all sorts of other unintended side effects ...


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