On Fri 22 Apr 2016 at 15:47:59 (+0100), Anthonys Lists wrote:
> On 22/04/2016 14:31, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> >David K wrote:
> >>>Hm?  How could you even have a compressed multi-measure rest when there
> >>>is anything like an "8-bar phrase" in parallel?
> >>>That sounds like a problem that cannot occur.
> >I assume Wol (like me) has the problem where the compressed rest happens in 
> >the part, not in the full score — but one wants not to have to use multiple 
> >\tag constructs just to handle this issue.
> Exactly... I write my music with "voiceStaff" to contain all the
> score-level stuff eg tempi, tune names, rehearsal marks etc, and
> "voiceInstrument" to contain the stuff that varies by instrument, eg
> notes, dynamics, anything else like that ...
> In the case example, the phrase is eight bars long, commencing with
> a two-bar rest. For another instrument, it won't have a rest. And I
> don't want the output to change dramatically depending on what's in
> the part.
> So of course, because voiceStaff is not meant to contain notes, it
> uses "s" all the time. And I very rarely produce scores, this case
> is absolutely typical for me in that we only have a bass-clef part,
> and because while some players in our section can read both, we have
> some players who can only read bass or treble clef so transposing is
> a regular requirement. So I'll have three parts to do, 1st, 2nd and
> bass.

I haven't followed all that. Is this the sort of thing you want?


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