Gianmaria Lari <> writes:

> What if I change this
> note = \partcombine {e'} {\tag #'pdfOut c' \tag #'midiOut c'}
> in this:
> note = { \new Voice << {e'}  {\tag #'pdfOut c' \tag #'midiOut c'}>>}
> Now it works, but should I expect any side effects? It is equivalent?

It's not equivalent.  \partcombine is most useful for piano extracts: it
will combine notes of same length into chords and keep notes of
different length separated.

<< >> will combine even notes of different length into chords (and
LilyPond cannot currently deal with them properly either), and << \\ >>
will keep even notes of the same length in different voices (and
consequently with different stems).  Which is often what you want in
partiture in order to be able to tell different voices apart.

David Kastrup

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