Simon Albrecht <> writes:

> Hello everybody, (well, to be honest, hello David :-) )
> I’m sorry, but I still need some enlightenment on the new alist
> variable feature. What’s the problem with the following snippet?
> %%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.19.39"
> cantus.1 = { e' }
> cantus.lyr.1 = \lyricmode { Mi }
> <<
>   { \cantus.1 }
>   \addlyrics { \cantus.lyr.1 }
> %%%%%%%%%%%
> I get
> error: not a key
>   \addlyrics { \cantus.
>                        lyr.1 }
> and so a non-music expression is getting ignored.
> Basic testing didn’t quite show what the limitation is.

lyr.1 is a lyrics syllable "lyr." with a duration of 1 (whole note).
You'll likely need to space this out.

\cantus . lyr . 1

so that the dots do not become word parts.  You could probably write

\cantus.lyr .1

but that's a bit more ugly.  There is trickery in lyricsmode that will
accept long words like Lyrics.TextScript.color and split them up into a
list, but lyr.1 is not a long word but a word followed by a duration,
and lyr. alone cannot be split into parts while it is still a valid

David Kastrup

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