Wols Lists <antli...@youngman.org.uk> writes:

> On 25/04/16 23:48, J Martin Rushton wrote:
>> Your comments about broadband being ubiquitous are unfounded.  Even
>> where broadband is claimed, plenty of people still struggle on with
>> around 1Mb/s.  Using BT in the south east of England we only get 1.6
>> Mb/s and I don't appreciate sitting and waiting just so that exploding
>> blancmange can be projected onto my screen.  Stick to ASCII for text
>> and keep the fancy stuff for when it's needed.
> I'm lucky - living 100 yards from the exchange, I get 17Mb over copper -
> that is when I've got a working DNS! Half the time it seems my internet
> link is fine, but unusable because BT's DNS has decided to stop working!
> (And of course, I can't get the widely touted super-fast Infinity -
> otherwise known as Fibre To The Cabinet - because I don't have a cabinet!!!)

The fiber pipeline for the next town passes not all that far from our
house.  The natural gas pipeline crosses right under our barns.

Guess who isn't large enough to warrant a tap on either.  We still get
something like 2Mbit/s over copper.  Used to be 1Mbit/s before switching
providers, so we're lucky.  But then we didn't have a house mate
watching movies via streaming services yet, so it evens out.

David Kastrup

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