Hi all,

preparing a course I'm going to give in June and July turned into a
substantial task: I'm ending up writing the book that *I* would have
needed some years ago. Basically what I'm trying to do is give readers a
chance to properly understand how Scheme can basically be used in
LilyPond. It's the same objective as the Scheme tutorials started a
while ago on Scores of Beauty, but heading for some kind of

The book is far from complete and from a state where I'd publicly share
the link but if anyone is interested in (p)reviewing i I'll do so
privately. Basically I'm interested in three kinds of critical looks
from different kinds of readers:

- pointing to issues that are not explained clearly or thoroughly enough
  (i.e for example where I'm still relying on knowledge the reader
doesn't have yet)
- comments on missing topics
- spotting factual errors


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