Dear lilypond-user,

Jan Nieuwenhuizen, told me to send my question here.
It is about modifying lilypond-book. I searched the web, but without any solution.

The original question is below.

Gabriel Ruprecht writes:

Dear Gabriel,

Could you please send your question to
You can get help there, and others may benefit from your


Dear Mister Nieuwenhuizen,

First, I read a lot about documentation and stuff about lilypond and
lilypond-book. I got your mail from inside the ly-file.

I have a question about the lilypond-book.
I'm doing a Latex-Package right now.
Therefore, I need pre-compiled snippets.

In one sentence: I need the snippets, you create with lilypond-book in one
pdf-file. Every snippet should equal a new page.
Is there a possibility to use lilypond-book this way?

The other way would be modifying lilypond-book and distribute it with the
package. The question is, where to modify what.

If you could give me some information, or help me, I would appreciate it very

Best regards,

Gabriel Ruprecht

About me:
I can do some C++, Java and LabView. I already read an introduction to python.

About my project:
I didn't like the existing songbook-packages, so I decided to make my own.
It should be userfriendly, so that non-Tex-safe people can use it.
It is divided in several parts:
-First, the class: The Class formats everything and will be based on two-sided
article class and/or book-class (currently, it's book)
-The FillPages-Package: It fills the page number to a number divideable by a
custom number (i.e. 4). The fill pages will be empty and/or predefined. (works
-The Liederbuch-package: This provides the commands, for creating
resource-songbooks. (works afaik)
-Resource-songbooks: For example you digitalize the songbook of some church/
parish. This res.songb. will be \included. From there, the songs will be
inserted via a command.
-designs: There will be a default design, but everyone can create a custom

an example document:

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{Liederheft}




%This inserts the songs.
\LHsong{example-resource-songbook}{1}%second one is songnumber in resource




<<song 1>>
<<song 3>>
<<song 476>>

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