Greetings David,

In fact, your process of determining pagebreaks is exactly what I do.
I choose to write the breaks directly into my files. It's just a
personal preference as I have never been fond of global settings or

On the subject of pdftk, I miswrote: it is the "shuffle" option which
is used, like this:

    pdftk A=even.pdf B=odd.pdf shuffle A B output collated.pdf

Or, mor practically,

    pdftk A=Secondo.pdf B=Primo.pdf shuffle A B output PerformanceScore.pdf

VERY easy and straightforward.

Hwaen Ch'uqi

On 5/9/16, David Wright <> wrote:
> On Mon 09 May 2016 at 14:35:17 (-0400), Hwaen Ch'uqi wrote:
>> I have been wwriting A LOT of four-hand music, and I agree in
>> principle with most of what I have read in this thread. Even so, I
>> thought to chime in with my approach.
> I bow to your experience...
>> In my experience, I have found that there can be no "master file" used
>> for determining page breaks, due to the lovely but unpredictable way
>> that LilyPond lays out pages. So this must still be done by trial and
>> error. I do, however, use the Secondo file in the end as a "master"
>> for generating a Table of Contents.
> ... but that *sounds* a bit hit-or-miss. Can you find fault with the
> following?
> Set primo and secondo separately. Examine pairs of pages starting at
> the beginning. If the page break occurs at the same bar, insert a
> \pageBreak at that point in your master variable. Once you meet a
> discrepancy, insert the \pageBreak at the earlier position. Rerun
> LP. Re-examine from where you left off.
> (I don't know where the "master file" concept came in. However, you
> certainly want a master *variable*, rather than inserting the page
> breaks into the source at two different places.)
>> Finally, I also use pdftk to produce the full book, but the process
>> outlined earlier can be extremely streamlined if you use the "collate"
>> feature. You do not need to burst the files into separate pages; pdftk
>> will automatically alternate the pages when combining the two files.
> Sorry not to suggest the collate option; I forget it exists because I
> never use it, the reason being that I typically don't build files
> from mere pairs of L and R pages, but from scanned pages which have
> needed masking at the margins. I put different masked/offset copies
> into different directories, then move the best version of each page
> into the assembly-directory. Everything's quick and easy to that
> point, but the final collation has to be done manually. I find
> moving pages in Midnight Commander less error-prone even than using
> page-ranges in pdftk.
> Cheers,
> David.

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