Thank you very much for your help Thomas!

For a moment I even considered extending on Feta font to support this stuff.
It seems the scheme function can be extended to support other noteheads, etc., 
so it might be a nice approach for what I'm looking to do.

Thanks again.

On 05/22 12:07, Thomas Morley wrote:
> 2016-05-22 10:34 GMT+02:00 Daniel E. Moctezuma <>:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I would like to define a note head type (or modify/tweak an existing one) 
> > that uses a combination of 2 existing note heads from the Feta font.
> > I'm trying to use the notation proposed by Norman Weinberg in his book 
> > Guide to Standardized Drumset Notation.
> >
> > Hi-Hat and Cymbals for instance use both Cross and Diamond shape note heads 
> > as follows:
> > 1. Half-note and whole-note use a diamond, very similar to s0miThin except 
> > the height of s0miThin is kind of short.
> > 2. Quarter-note and below use a cross shaped note-head such as s2cross.
> >
> > I did manage to make Lilypond show the above note heads accordingly using 
> > tweaks.
> > The disadvantage is that in order to achieve the desired result I would 
> > have to do something like "\customDiamond cymc2" every time I have to input 
> > half or whole notes.
> > So I'm looking for an easier way to input those kind of notes as well as to 
> > support chords.
> >
> > In the following sample code you can see how modifying the stencil can give 
> > you somewhat what I'm looking for, but here are some concerns:
> > 1. It doesn't work when using chords (for example: hitting the crash cymbal 
> > and the snare drum at the same time).
> > 2. When using s0miThin noteheads the stem is not conected to the diamond's 
> > left vertex.
> >
> > Maybe a better approach could be, instead of the "cross" note head defined 
> > in "mydrums" drum style table could be something like "crossdiamond" so it 
> > can include the above mentioned note heads.
> > Probably just modifying the existing "cross" notehead could be enough since 
> > Weinberg's book doesn't mention any usage of both s0cross and s1cross.
> >
> > Do you have any ideas on how to achieve something like this, as well as to 
> > fix the above 2 points mentioned?
> >
> > Sample:
> >
> > \version "2.18.2"
> >
> > #(define mydrums '(
> >          (crashcymbal cross #f 6)))
> >
> > % Based on: 
> >
> > #(define (my-note-head grob)
> >   (let ((duration (ly:grob-property grob 'duration-log)))
> >    (if (>= duration 2)
> >     (grob-interpret-markup grob
> >      (markup #:musicglyph "noteheads.s2cross"))
> >     (grob-interpret-markup grob
> >      (markup #:scale (cons -0.65 1.2)
> >              #:musicglyph "noteheads.s0miThin")))))
> >
> > \new DrumStaff <<
> >   \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums)
> >
> >   \drummode {
> >     \cadenzaOn
> >     \autoBeamOff
> >     \override NoteHead.stencil = #my-note-head
> >     cymc32 cymc16 cymc8 cymc4 cymc2 cymc1 \bar "|."
> >   }
> >>>
> >
> > --
> > Best regards
> Maybe:
> \version "2.18.2"
> #(define mydrums '(
>          (crashcymbal cross #f 6)
>          (snare () #f 1)))
> #(define (my-note-head grob)
>   (let ((duration (ly:grob-property grob 'duration-log))
>         (drumtype
>           (ly:prob-property (ly:grob-property  grob 'cause) 'drum-type)))
>   (if (eq? 'crashcymbal drumtype)
>       (if (>= duration 2)
>           (grob-interpret-markup grob
>              (markup #:musicglyph "noteheads.s2cross"))
>           (begin
>             (let ((stem-attachment (ly:grob-property grob 'stem-attachment)))
>               (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stem-attachment
>                 (cons (car stem-attachment) 0))
>               (grob-interpret-markup grob
>                  (markup #:scale (cons -0.65 1.2)
>                          #:musicglyph "noteheads.s0miThin")))))
>       (ly:note-head::print grob))))
> \new DrumStaff
>   \with {
>     drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums)
>     \override NoteHead.stencil = #my-note-head
>   }
>   <<
>     \drummode {
>       \cadenzaOn
>       \autoBeamOff
>       cymc32 cymc16 cymc8 cymc4 cymc2 cymc1 \bar "|." \break
>       <sn cymc>32 <sn cymc>16 <sn cymc>8 <sn cymc>4 <sn cymc>2 <sn cymc>1
>     }
>   >>
> HTH,
>   Harm

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