2016-06-04 4:52 GMT+02:00 Andrew Bernard <andrew.bern...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Harm,
> Absolutely perfect.
> Many thanks.

Glad I could help.

> Worthy of the LSR don’t you think?

Not sure about this.

The changes in the bar-line-interface (since 2.17.5) were motivated by
giving users the chance to create their own custom bar-lines.

This may be done by combining exsting bar-line-types using
\defineBarLine (or its scheme-equivalent), which is covered in the NR:

Or even by defining a new bar-line from scratch. Though, you'll always
need scheme for this task, so the NR simply says:
"If additional elements are needed, LilyPond provides a simple way to
define them. For more informations on modifying or adding bar lines,
see file ‘scm/bar-line.scm’."

We have an example for it in the regression-tests,
bar-line-define-bar-glyph.ly, although one has to say users are not
expected to search there.
Another example is in LSR http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=913 , but
it's not that obvious. It emphasizes to deal with dots in
repeat-bar-lines and defines new bar-lines accordingly. But it's not a

A snippet explicitely explaining how to define bar-lines from scratch
would be nice. Though, I've not a good idea how to do it.
The general route is clear.
- define a printing-procedure (define (make-whatever-barline ...))
- assign a string to it (add-bar-glyph-print-procedure ...)
- define the barline (define-bar-line ...)

Though defining the printing-procedure can be whatever you manage to
code. (I once put some eps into a BarLine)

Adding the new definition for `make-tick-bar-line` to LSR would give
an example, yes, though it would only cover this special use-case, I
doubt about the benefit.

Otoh, it may be worth considering making `calc-blot` public. It's a
simple c/p from bar-line.scm and I was annoyed by the need to do so


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