On Monday 25 October 2004 11.05, dax2 wrote:
>    Here is a short version of a message awaiting moderator
> approval because it was too long.
>    Lilypond 2.3.23 built from CVS without problems, docs too.
> However:
>    1) the slurs turns 180 degrees in the special
>       "acciaccatura" section shown below.
> I had attached to png's and source; but you can easily imagine
> slurs from note to note where the curve is the wrong way
>          \__/
>         o    o
> instead of
>          ___
>         /   \
>        o     o
>    2) convert-ly from 2.3.22 to 2.3.23 did not change anything,
>       (used on Chop. op.52 Ballade 4 from Mutopia-Project)
>       not even the \version, but I guess that is ok.
>       I expected some output, though.

The languages for 2.3.22 and 2.3.23 are identical, convert-ly only does 
changes when backward compatibility has been broken somehow.

> Source example (from Mutopia, Chop. op.52, look for dolciss.)
>            \set Staff.fontSize = #-1
>     \override Stem   #'length = #5.5
>     \override Beam   #'thickness = #0.384
>     \override Beam   #'space-function = #(lambda (beam mult) (* 0.8
> (Beam::space_function beam mult))) \times 2/21 {
>         cs16[_"dolciss." \( e a cs e a]
>         cs[ a' cs,
> %%dax: The slur here turns downside up in 2.3.23.
>                \acciaccatura {
Remove the following line, and it works fine:
>      \once\override Slur   #'extra-offset = #'( 0 . 8 )

>      \once\override NoteHead   #'font-size = #-4
>      \once\override Stem   #'font-size = #-4
>      e16
>         }
> As this is bleeding edge release and I don't know how many spam
> mails there are awaiting moderator I thought it better to send
> this short version.

The best thing is always to send a complete (but reduced) .ly file  score, 
which reproduces the problem. I.e., so that you can take exactly what you 
wrote, place it in a file called foo.ly, and run "lilypond foo.ly" to 
reproduce the problem.


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