2016-06-23 0:41 GMT+02:00 Harald Christiansen <haraldch...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Dan,
> Not as creative as you may think.
> Essentially Lilipond as Tex is about stacking boxes with some rubber
> space/bands in between.
> If you read Chapter 11 "Boxes" of TeXbook (Donald Knuth) you will understand
> what I am talking about.
> What I did is "add a box on top of the tallest box in the row", thus forcing
> the row to be taller still.
> Tex has \vskip, LaTeX has \vspace ... It seems Lilypond has nothing.
> As good as Lilypond is (and it's great), it will never be perfect. There is
> a reason why TeX and LaTex have custom vertical space commands.
> Obvious hint: It is needed.
> And after some very extensive search, I found this problem resurfacing
> several times. In my not-so-humble-opinion :D It is needed!
> It looks like there is no proper solution, only various hacks. I'm giving
> up. :(

Got my mail?
Isn't it what you want?

> Thanks to all who replied :)
> All the best.
> On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 11:21 AM, DJF <delf...@me.com> wrote:
>> On Jun 21, 2016, at 5:57 PM, Harald Christiansen <haraldch...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > So, I eventually ended up solving the problem by using \markup with a
>> > two rows of blank strings attached to the E6, something like:
>> > e^\markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 5) \column { " " " " } } i.e.
>> > adding an empty box with the desired high and depth above the note (it
>> > also have width but I can live with that).
>> That’s an interesting, creative solution that I wouldn’t have thought of
>> trying, but it seems to have a side effect of making the next system much
>> too close.
>> [...]
>> —
>> Dan
> --
> Nihil verus. Omnia possibilia.
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