
I've been playing with this for awhile.
My summary: I wanted the chorus on one page and the verses on page two, so I inserted the \pageBreak. It made two pages, but stretched the score to fit the page by inserting space between the staves. But I wanted the staves to look normal on the page.

Funny thing is that neither ragged command does anything
    ragged-last-bottom = ##f
    ragged-bottom = ##f

However, this line fixes the vertical spacing
system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 0.3) (padding . 2) )

But I needed this line to bring the score on the first page back to the top markup-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 0.3) (padding . 2) ) %re-aligns the first page to th top

Not very straightforward, but it works!
Thanks for all of your suggestions.

Here's my score:
    \new Staff {  \chorus \pageBreak \verses }

On 6/23/2016 1:35 AM, Jacques Menu Muzhic wrote:
Hello Gabriel-Marie,

Does ragged-*, described in section 4.3.2 Page breakingof the notation reference help you?


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