Thanks for trying to help Federico. Does anyone else know a solution to the problem below?

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Subject:        Re: Time signature before end of volta repeat
Date:   Sun, 26 Jun 2016 18:13:24 +0200
From:   Imanuel Habekotte <>
To:     Federico Bruni <>

Hello Federico,

I meant like inside the 1st alternative ending of the repeat. There is a 3/4 at the beginning and a 4/4 at the end. Do you see it?

When I try to do this in LilyPond:

\alternative {
      { \time 3/4 f8 f( aes16 bes des8~des) des \time 4/4 }
{ _*\time 3/4*_ f,8 f( aes16 bes des8~des) \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" } }

... then I don't see the 4/4 time signature at all, but if I delete the marked signature (the second \time 3/4), it does show up, though in the wrong place (it appears after the bar instead of before it).

Kind regards,

Op 26-6-2016 om 10:14 schreef Federico Bruni:
Il giorno dom 26 giu 2016 alle 9:56, Imanuel Habekotté <> ha scritto:
I would like to have a time signature printed before the end bar of a volta repeat. Here is an example of what I would like to have:

Instead I get a time signature printed after the repeat.

Hi Imanuel

Welcome to LilyPond.
LilyPond should print the new time signature before and after a line break, just like in the example you linked.
Here's a minimal example:

\version "2.19.43"
 \time 2/4
 \repeat volta 2 {
   c2 c c c \break
 \alternative {
   { \time 3/4 d2. }
   { e2. }

Can you provide a minimal example showing what's the problem?

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