hi again !

I've read the doc about convert-ly, but I can't understand how to use it on XP... and 
I can't manage
to use the Lily archives on my PC... help !

                      Mats Bengtsson                                                   
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Pour :    Jean-marc LEGRAND <[EMAIL 
                      3.kth.se>                cc :      [EMAIL PROTECTED]             
                                               Objet :   Re: \include "paper16.ly"     
                      27/10/2004 13:51                                                 

Did you try running convert-ly on any of your old files?

You could also take a look at the example called size16.ly in
Regression Tests.


Jean-marc LEGRAND wrote:
> Hi list !
> I'm using lily 2.2 on XP.
> Before I moved to 2.2, I used to put \include "paper16.ly" in my scripts for large 
> pieces.
> It doesn't seem to work anymore.
> I've tried to apply the Regression Test about the staff size, but I don't know how 
> to use it. Any
> simple trick ?
> Regards
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             Mats Bengtsson
             Signal Processing
             Signals, Sensors and Systems
             Royal Institute of Technology
             SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
             Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
         Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
             Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe

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