On 2016-07-20 1:56 AM, Malte Meyn wrote:
> Am 19.07.2016 um 22:39 schrieb Joel C. Salomon:
>>  From “Arrival of the Wolves”: an accidental in the upper Staff’s
>> voiceOne shifts a chord in its voiceTwo so it no longer aligns with the
>> corresponding note in the lower Staff, yielding the attached result.
> You can force the <e g> to the right place with
>   \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 0
> Then you’ll need to shift the a sharp too:
>   \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = -1 (or -1.1?)

Thanks; that worked.  It seems, though, that I should have been able to
achieve the same effect with forcing a positive hshift on the B in the
lower staff (which is actually closer to the printed score), but when I
tried it I could not see that the note moved at all.

Searching the documentation turns up

> Changing [the force-hshift property] permits a note column to be moved
> in situations where the note columns overlap. Note that it has no
> effect on note columns that do not overlap.

And it looks like the lower-staff B has moved anyhow; hmm….  Okay, I
think this has given me some insight into what force-hshift is actually

Thank you,
—Joel Salomon

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