Hi Joram,

> would you mind describing the workflow in a bit more details?

Here’s what I do:

1. Using Frescobaldi (or, of course, just Lilypond by itself), generate the 
music score as a PDF.

2. Using TeXShop, compile the following template (n.b. this is slightly 
simplified, and does not include the title page and endmatter \input 
files/templates, which are common/similar/shared across all my scores):

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
\usepackage[letterpaper, margin=1.25in, tmargin=1in, bmargin=1in]{geometry}
\setmainfont{Crimson Text}

\baselineskip = 1.33em

%: Title Page
\def\pieceTitle{Berceuse\\[0.15em] for Benjamin}
\def\pieceInstrumentation{piano solo}

%%%%  SCORE
%: Score

%: Endmatter


3. Enjoy the fruits of the labours of many, many brilliant programmers.  ;)

> 1. Do you put something special in your .ly files like \include
> lilypond-book-preamble? Or do you just set the tagline to false? Or
> something else?

Nothing fancy in the .ly files.

> 2. What's the benefit of pdfcrop? When using the preamble, I see no
> difference between cropped and original – probably because it is already
> cropped as thight as possible.

I don’t use pdfcrop — I simply have Lilypond output the PDF file at the desired 
final output size.

> 3. Is it possible to write your workflow down in a way that is easy to
> reproduce? Something like a ly-template and a list of commands.

My current .ly template system is very [indeed, overly] complex, 
non-documented, etc., and so I wouldn’t inflict it on you. (I have the ongoing 
intention of simplifying all my templates and stylesheets, getting them into 
version control, and sharing them with the whole ‘Pond… but I seem to have the 
enviable obstacle that I’m constantly working on composing new commissions, so 
my “spare time” is very limited.)

> In latex, I guess it is just a matter of \includegraphics{ ... } ?

Precisely (cf. the template included above).

If you have more questions, or want to see a sample final PDF, just let me know!

Hope this helps,

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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