b> https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Sound_Control is sayed to
    b> replace MIDI. Is this something usefull for lilypond?

It should be.  Storing and sending/receiving arbitrary data is
straightforward in OSC, in MIDI you'll have to build and parse sysex for
any non-standard (e.g. rhythms, beams, slurs, offsets, markups...).

    b> Can one save osc files like MIDI files?

Yes.  All information in any .ly file could be encoded in OSC format and
saved to files or sent along to other apps.  SuperCollider and OpenMusic
are examples of apps supporting OSC as one possible score-file format.

OSC has absolute hi-resolution time tagging as part of its protocol (aka
"bundles") making OSC useable as a score-file format by itself.  Like
MIDI Track Events, arbitrary OSC messages may contain delta time values.

MIDI does not support absolute time as part of the protocol, instead
relying on an application layer (transport, driver) to store or deliver
the message at the right time based on these delta time values.




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